Pacita- Philippines

Pacita is a 53 year-old trying to support her family. She has a husband that’ s job is a tricycle driver, and four children. She started a business of a small grocery store, and needs certain supplies to stock her store, like hamburger patties and eggs. As the loans increased, the business at her store arose quickly, and renovated her house, so people that need a roof over their head can rent out the extra three bedrooms that she added with the extra money from the shop.

The reason I wanted to donate to Pacita is that she has a husband and 4 kids, so she will definitely need the goods to stock her store. Also, the business increasing at her store with all the loans she is getting is giving her money to buy goods, like food. Also, she is making even more money by extending her house by 3 rooms, so she can lend it out to people who are homeless and need a roof over their head. That’s why I think Pacita was a good choice of a donation.

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