The Wall…….. Is it a Good Idea?

Since our new president, Donald Trump, has come into office, he’s had a lot of plans. One of his plans is to build a wall across our U.S.A-Mexico border.

But is it a good idea?

The wall is going to cost anywhere between 12-15 billion dollars. With that big of a cost, people question it’s values.

What are some of the pros and cons? Well, the main pro is that it will help will with illegal immigration of people and goods, like any drug or product that’s not allowed here.

The main con is the cost. There are lots of other ways that we could use the money. Is it a good idea?

We could use it to help other countries. In 2012, about $37,000,000,000 were sent overseas to other countries like Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan.

We could also send it to the bill to end poverty. In order to get rid of most of poverty, we would need to pay $175,000,000 for 20 years per year.

We would to use it to feed hungry children. It takes 20 cents to give a child a meal in parts of Africa. In other parts, it takes as little as $10 to feed kids in refugee camps for 3 weeks.

Lastly, we could build homes with the money. It would cost 40 million dollars to build four homeless shelters. We could build 1500 homeless shelters with that money.

The list goes on, but it’s your choice of what you want to do. You can help in lots of ways, including Kiva, to help stop poverty.





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