From One, To Another, To Many More

Recently we made a loan to Jack, from Kenya. Jack is 30 years old, married and has 2 children.

Kiva Jack 1

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I would consider loaning to Jack, a loan that I will never regret. Jack sells One Degree Solar’s solar energy kits. This is a great loan because when you loan to somebody like Jack, you aren’t only helping the person you are loaning to, you are also helping the people that he helps. The solar energy kits that Jack sells help bring electricity to families and communities that do not have ample access to electricity.

In Kenya, the country that Jack is from, people make 97% less money than people in the United States do. So electricity bills are normally too expensive for people to afford.

So helping Jack helps both him, and his customers to improve their lives in a major way.

– Evan C.

One thought on “From One, To Another, To Many More

  1. I love this loan. It not only helps the entrepreneur and his immediate family, but this particular idea will be used by communities that need more electricity. I know that developing countries lack consistent electricity in many places. This would be a very valuable device. I was just talking to my son the other day about how much of our tools and devices run off of electricity, Just think what you can’t do when the power goes off.

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