Club Record and Fun Facts

At the SMS Kiva Club, we are very proud of our achievements. So we thought that we’d share them with you. So here are some fun facts, and club records.

Kiva Club Records 1

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Some more records for our club include loaning to almost 70 different countries from around the world. We have also made almost 770 total loans over the course of our club’s history.

And now for the super sad and depressing part: Half of the world’s population lives on less than $2.50 per day. If they work 7 days a week, that is only $17.50 a week.

Another fact: 22,000 children die each day due to conditions from living in poverty. Now THAT is depressing.

A baby born in the world’s poorest countries has a one in six chance of dying before they turn 5.

You are probably wondering, “Why are you making me depressed? Why are you sharing this saddening information?”

I am sharing this information with you because it is the truth. The cold, hard truth. And that is the scary part.

But the good news is that you can help to change that. You can change people’s lives. Just go to, and sign up.  You can change the lives of people across the globe at the click of a button.

– Evan C.

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