It’s All Connected…


World Poverty:

Air Pollution:

Indoor Air Polution map-deaths

Looking around, you would think the world is just like our country, rich, plentiful amounts of food, sanitary, and full of opportunities. Well, it’s not. Do you realize how lucky you are to be born in a country that has what you need for a good life? Around the world, people are suffering from poverty, child labor, illiteracy, and air pollution. What’s worse is that it adds up. A kid who’s 14 and lives in Mali could be working over 8 hours on a school day, suffering from air pollution, illiteracy, and living in extreme poverty. These poverty maps are very humbling. All of this should make us realize how lucky we actually are.

-Allison W., Caitlin P., Emma T.


Djekafo Group-Mali

Just a few days ago my friend and I made a recent loan to the Djekafo group located in Keleya, Mali. They is a group of 5 women who have an average of 6 kids each! The average person in Mali makes  around 1,200 dollars a year, just compare that to what you make in a year. This group needs the money to expand their restaurant by buying food and condiments to keep up with demands. Also they do this to provide a better life for their families.   


The reason why we made this loan is because they are mothers who own a business and it is a worthy cause because you’re not only helping the business you are also helping the children for a brighter future. Also loaning to a group is more trustworthy because if one person fails to pay back the loan, then the others can chip in. Over all The Djekafo group in Keleya, Mali is a unique group that is succeeding in the business world AND they are hard working mothers who want the best for their kids.

By: Charlie S and Nicolas H