Think You’ve Got it Bad?! Try Not Having a Clean Toilet!

Lots of people complain that their bathrooms smell! Is that you? If you say that, think about this:

60% of people don’t have clean toilet! That mean 6 out of 10 people won’t be able to have a sanitary place to use the bathroom. That’s more than half of the human population!

When you think about this, that’s more that 3,500,000,000 people on our planet have the same complaint as everybody else, ‘My bathroom smells!’ Except this time, they have the right to complain.

Actually, think about your bathroom. Does it look good and smell good? If you think so, you’re part of the 40% of the earth who have clean toilets. Consider yourself lucky.

Even some people don’t have toilets! These people have to use buckets, holes, and porta-potties.

So if you think you’ve got it bad, think about these people who not even have toilets, these people are in poverty.

By: Mathew L.


Welcome Back!

Welcome back track four! It’s great that everybody is back in school! While we’re back, why not get back to the swing of Kiva!

While we’re here, we can figure out what we are doing this quarter! We will definitely keep doing the same loaning and posting, but in addition to that, we are doing an awareness movie for poverty.

We are showing a movie to show people what poverty is like. What if there was a place in the world where wars are pushing innocent people out of their home country, and that country is Syria and this movie is called “Salam Neighbor.”

We will be showing this on March 11th in our school auditorium. We will give you a specific time closer to the event. Thank you for your time and support!

-Mathew L.


Think You’ve Got it Bad?! Try Having Not Having Any Lunch!

Do you dislike your school lunch?  Enough to boycott your lunch like students in Chicago?

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(click to enlarge)

Imagine people who don’t even get lunch.  If you don’t like what you have to eat, think about the kids who would give anything for it. In this world, you’re pretty lucky.

Kids in other parts of the world don’t get the nutrition that we get from school lunches. You might think that some lunches are disgusting, and sometimes I might agree, but at least they have some sort of nutritional value.

Before you reject the lunch you are offered, think about this. Your school lunches or any lunch, are privilege.

By Mathew L

A Moment To Remember

On September 11, 2001  the Twin Towers fell victim to a terrorist attack. This post is a memorial to the thousands of people who were trapped in the towers and the first responders who came to help. Today we remember the victims and the brave. While you go about your day support those who were effected. Remember 9/11. If this event made such an impact we believe we can make the same impact positively through Kiva club. The loans we make today are to raise up the heroes and the victims.

Written By: Emma T., Allison W., and Caitlin P.