A Moment To Remember

On September 11, 2001  the Twin Towers fell victim to a terrorist attack. This post is a memorial to the thousands of people who were trapped in the towers and the first responders who came to help. Today we remember the victims and the brave. While you go about your day support those who were effected. Remember 9/11. If this event made such an impact we believe we can make the same impact positively through Kiva club. The loans we make today are to raise up the heroes and the victims.

Written By: Emma T., Allison W., and Caitlin P.

It’s All Connected…



World Poverty:




Air Pollution:

Indoor Air Polution map-deaths


Looking around, you would think the world is just like our country, rich, plentiful amounts of food, sanitary, and full of opportunities. Well, it’s not. Do you realize how lucky you are to be born in a country that has what you need for a good life? Around the world, people are suffering from poverty, child labor, illiteracy, and air pollution. What’s worse is that it adds up. A kid who’s 14 and lives in Mali could be working over 8 hours on a school day, suffering from air pollution, illiteracy, and living in extreme poverty. These poverty maps are very humbling. All of this should make us realize how lucky we actually are.

-Allison W., Caitlin P., Emma T.


Delmy Dalila- El Salvador

Delmy Dalila

We chose to lend to Delmy Dalila who is from El Salvador. One of the reasons we lent to her is because she is trying to get money for building a roof over her house’s hallway. she will need wood, nails, and sheet metal. Delmy Dalila is 53 and sells fruit from her house. she gets this fruit from her fruit orchard.

The average person  living in El Salvador earns about $4 ,900 as their annual income. This is a small amount considering the average american has a $47,000 annual income.That is 85.8% less money. It has a large population, but a small amount of  land to live on. The average person in El Salvador dies 5.38 years earlier than the average american.

By: Allison W, Caitlin P, and Emma T

Edited by: Sydney P